Event Date:
Sat, 2009-09-05
Association of Chinese Political Studies
Panel 1 China, the United States, and Global Order
Saturday, Sep 5, 8:00 AM
Meeting has passed. Consult Final Program for locations.
Brantly Womack
University of Virginia, brantly@gmail.com
China’s Second Ascent and International Relations Theory
James C. Hsiung
New York University, jch2@nyu.edu
Understanding the Fallout in Sino-American Relations Over the 1999 Belgrade Embassy Bombing
Gregory J. Moore
Eckerd College, mooregj@eckerd.edu
Peaceful Rise, Responsible Stakeholder: A Constructivist Explanation of Improving Sino-American Relations
Ramon Pacheco Pardo
London School of Economics & Political Science, ramon.pacheco@kcl.ac.uk
Energy, Environmental, Public Health, and Food Safety Risks in China: Consequences for US-China Relations
Elizabeth Wishnick
Montclair State University, wishnicke@mail.montclair.edu
China’s Rise and the Challenges of Regulatory Globalization
Dali L. Yang
University of Chicago, daliyang@uchicago.edu
Brantly Womack
University of Virginia, brantly@gmail.com
Ja Ian Chong
Princeton University, jchong@princeton.edu
Association of Chinese Political Studies
Panel 2 Globalization and the Chinese Regulatory State
Friday, Sep 4, 2:00 PM
Meeting has passed. Consult Final Program for locations.
Dali L. Yang
University of Chicago, daliyang@uchicago.edu
Why is the Cost of Regulating China’s Health Sector so High?
Yanzhong Huang
Seton Hall University, yanzhong.huang@shu.edu
Regulating China’s Land Market: Central-Local Incentives and Institutional Evolution
Fubing Su
Vassar College, FuSu@vassar.edu
Independence and Mother-in-Laws: the Effect of MOCA Regulations on Civil Society Autonomy in China.
Jessica C. Teets
University of Colorado, jteets@middlebury.edu
The Regulatory State under Market-Leninism: Telecoms Reform in China and Vietnam
Yukyung Yeo
City University of Hong Kong, y.yeo@cityu.edu.hk
Regulating Food Safety Risk in China: A Historical-Comparative Analysis
Peng Liu
Renmin University of China, liupeng1031@gmail.com
Xiaobo Hu
Clemson University, xhu@clemson.edu
Fengshi Wu
Chinese University of Hong Kong, wufengshi@cuhk.edu.hk